Estate Planning Century, Florida:

What To Consider

When parents have a son or daughter with a disability, they should give careful consideration to developing an estate plan that provides for that person’s future best interests. Parents with disable children should be very alert and take into account that their children get all benefits they are entitled and care they require than just leaving behind pile of wealth which they barely can utilize. Suggestions given below can help parents approach planning their estate especially if their son or daughter has a disability.

First: Be realistic in assessing your son or daughter’s disability and predict for future development. If necessary, obtain a professional help and evaluation on your child’s prospects and capability to earn a living and to manage property. You have to understand you child’s capabilities and make plans accordingly. You should not oversee his/her potential or keep unrealistic expectations.

Second: Carefully inventory your financial associations. Your written will must be flexible enough to meet the life’s ever changing circumstances. You can never predict what tomorrow holds but it is good if you forecast a little and make your will accordingly. Always remember, if things changes, you can change you will anytime.

Third: You should know the basic need of your special child and arrange things accordingly. It is important to make arrangements for your child’s living arrangements after your death. You should have answer to the questions like “Where would my child live if my spouse and I are to die tomorrow?”, “How is my child going to sustain his life at ease?” If you feel that a guardian is necessary, you should recommend a potential guardian in your will.

Fourth: Explore the earning potential of your child. Is your child capable of earning his /her own living? It is important to determine how much your child can be expected earn to sustain his/her own life. If he or she is currently employed, does this income meet his or her living expenses? In many cases, even if your child is capable of earning, he/she will require additional financial assistance.

Fifth: Sometimes it is beneficial for the child to be left with government benefits than to pour him/her with wealth after your death. For example, if a resident of a state hospital inherits wealth, the state will start charging for the cost of residency in the state hospital. They will continue to charge until all the money is worn out. Yet the services provided will be the from the ones that he or she was previously receiving.

It is more of a challenge for the parents of disabled children to make their will correctly and to the full beneficial to their children. With professional help and a little futuristic instinct, however, it is possible for the parents to leave the best for those special children after their lives.

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